
Monday 17 September 2012

DIY: Make your own Gentle Remover: Nail Care

How many of you balk in disgust at the sight of white, fraying dry skin after you use a Nail Polish remover? Or run to splosh moisturizer on your cuticles?

I may have a solution to help your cuticles feel better!

I know we get Acetone free removers, but they take years/ages to make to polish come off.
Acetone is a good solution to that, but it dries ur skin! And How!!!

I was searching to buy a nice nail polish remover that doesnt try to kill my cuticles and I chanced upon this DIY Gentle remover. Its made on the lines of Zoya's Remove Plus Nail Polish Remover.

Essentially you use acetone coz its very effective to remove nail polish, but add the goodness of glycerin to make sure that acetone doesnt harm your cuticles.

Ready to make it? (if you said oh yeah!!! read further! 
if you already made it, please give your suggestions/tips on how to make this better.)


Reader Q: What Do I need?
A: A bottle, Glycerin, Pure Acetone and filtered water

Reader Q: Is it gonna be an expensive affair?
A: Nope. 100g glycerin costs Rs.45/- ($0.9) and Pure Acetone costs me Rs: 84 for 400 ml. Water is freeeeeee freeee freeeeee LoL!!

Q: Do I need an empty bottle?
A: Depends if there is room in your acetone bottle you can use that...or just clean out any used up container of a body lotion or body wash/hand lotion etc. The container you are mixing into must be see through. Or you wont know how much to mix.

Q: Ok, I got an empty bottle.. now what?
Put as much acetone as you want..leave room to add and mix other stuff. I have taken an old bottle of M&S body lotion and clean it out with water and soap. I like a bottle with pump for acetone. Makes it easier to use. You may want to try a bit first instead of mixing the whole acetone. 

Q: How much Glycerin to add?
A: Take Glycerin in the cap of the bottle and add to acetone. You'll see glycerin plonk straight to the bottom of the bottle. Now mix it hard by closing the bottle and give it a shake. The glycerin is soluble in acetone, but not beyond a point. 

Q: What is Glycerin?
"A versatile liquid listed as safe for human consumption by the Food and Drug Administration, glycerine is viscous, colorless, and has a slightly sweet taste. Food and drug makers use it in everything from candies to toothpaste." Source

This is bottle before the glycerin was mixed up.
Keep adding Glycerin and shaking it till you see that glycerin doesnt mix anymore. So its helpful to keep mixing as you add along. 

Q: Okayyyy,  the glycerin doesnt mix anymore. Now what?
A: Fret not even if you dont get this exact. I had added roughly 4 capfuls of glycerin without shaking it up. 

Now close the bottle and mix hard. If you have any extra glycerin that wont mix into the acetone it will get mixed as you add water. See, glycerin is completely soluble in water. (bet u didnt know that..haha).
I'd suggest you should add little water little by little and shake it out and see if the glycerin has got mixed. 

Now you wont be able to see any distinguished separation in the bottle. 

Q: Managed that without spilling any of this mixture in my eye.
A: Now use it and come back here and tell me how it worked for you :p

I still have 1/3rd of the acetone bottle left and more than 3/4th of the glycerin left for future use.

Some more FAQs:
Q: This feels slightly sticky!!
A: Thats coz there is more glycerin in the mixture. My first batch was slightly sticky, but then I didnt really mind the sticky-ness as it just as easily comes off with washing your hands in soap water. (which I would normally do after using a nail polish remover anyways). I am happy to not see any more dried, white cuticles.

Q: My cuticles still feel dry!!
A: Add more glycerin. Glycerin has properties to retain moisture from the air around it.

I've read a post about this from Anutka on her blog :Wacky Laki and then made it myself the first time.
You can check her post here. She has a cool blog!!

Got anymore questions?
Do leave your comments, I'd love to hear them.


  1. This is an awesome DIY, I got a tiny bottle Of glycerine yesterday and am
    Now ready to put it to some hard work :D
    Btw Once I came back home I realised I'd carted along all
    My makeup brushes and eyeshadow palettes, but lost in our gossiping forgot to show you how to do blending :P next time pinky promise

    1. haha! I did too realise after you left that I still dont know blending :D
      next time then?

  2. hey nice idea! do you have any tips to manage & cure flaky & chipped nails?

    1. I'd suggest you first trim off all the chopped and flaking part..file the edges down so they dont get frayed again.
      OPI has a base coat called nail envy..see if u can get your hands on that. I've heard its very effective.

    2. thanks u so much kejal! ya i have trimmed it, but it flakes again! & i file them too . d u know where cn i get that opi?

    3. Shourima OPI nail envy is not easily available in India. U can get in on global easy buy on ebay or will have to call from abroad

    4. Shourima, you may find it on

  3. This is perhaps the most useful DIY I have ever read Kej. Since I am getting into manis these days, shelling out fortue over removers don;t really fell nice. Now, I have to check out where I had thrown away my TBS body wash bottle .
    Btw, where do I get hold of acetone? I guess the chemists won't have them?

    Please let me know :P

    1. Thanks Nivi! U'll get both acetone and glycerin at chemists

  4. i wanted to put acetone in a pump bottle but was worried the acetone would eat the bottle and pump and make a horrible mess?I use the shellac polishes so i hope this mixture will work.Thanks so much for posting,im going to pin this on pinterest.

    1. no this wont work on shellac. Thanks for taking time out to comment and for the pin xoxo

  5. OMG thanks kej :) I tried it few weeks back and dint knew the exact process so added lots of glycerin and it resulted in two layers!! I was so clueless!! i made a new one it's perfect loved the way you explained it :)

  6. Gonna get acetone and glycerin very soon and do this. I use acetone based nail remover and it dries my cuticles . . .

    1. U must try this.. I made this, been using it for 2-3 weeks now...and I m never going back to store bought brands now :)

  7. wow... nicee n informative post.. like it! :)

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  8. hi...your pictures were so descriptive on itself :)

  9. I have the same Glycerin bottle..would get the Acetone and try this..u also made that sponge bottle thing na like Colorbar has ? I thought this post is about that..make a post on that too na :)

    1. thanks for the comment Bhumika! I had the sponge bottle thing, but I didnt find it very effective and hygenic..coz you keep re-using the same remover/sponge all the time. Plus that becomes messy if you dont clean it out after say 8-10 uses. but if u wanna try it, just fit a roll of sponge in a bottle with mouth as wide as ur fingers, pour polish remover till sponge gets soaked and use it.

  10. Wow!!!! That's the best DIY! Thanks!!!!
    Do drop by my blog sometime.
    And do follow if you like! :)

  11. Ooh! U kno how much I need cuticles get all white and yucky after np removal...major sad I tell u!! M gona try this after my remover gets over...I hav a bottle too so yey yey!!

  12. Awesome post, Kejal. Very easy DIY.

  13. Found it in google search and found this DIY awesome. Lovely blog dear.
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