
Thursday 20 September 2012

A-England: Tristam+ Water Decals

Yes yes! its A-Englands Tristam!

My dear friend Nirah from Present Prefect Tense.. helped me lay my hands on this.
The whole day I kept going "My precious" like Gollum.  HeHe.. but true!
But Gollum didnt dance did he? Nope.. so I went like this :D

Here's a swatch of My precious!! Errmmm I meant Tristam!

Navy Blue-touching dark violet kinda shade with light scattered holo. I thought this would have looked better with a heavier holo effect showing through, but eh! These days thats all I seem to want. Holos!

I didnt wanna cover "my precious" by stamping all over I went a little subtle.

I got these decals to review from the born pretty store.
Read my review on them hereThey cost $4.73 and come with free shipping and one sheet has 11 different designs (see here). 

These decals were randomly shaped, but had tiny micro glitter, which sparkled nicely at angles.

Did you like my precious? :D

P.S: I was told by a reader and a dear fellow blogger that she thought I did my nails early morning, took pics, and edited and put up a post by 8.00 am in the morning. Which I do not, coz its not physically possible by me. So I was told to mention that I schedule them in advance so as to make people think I am just as human as you are :p :p :p
and yes I struggle to make posts just like anybody with a full time job, a social life, friends, catching up with movies, watching tv etc etc :D :D :D


  1. My eyes were bedazzled and my head was swirling at the thought of how gorgeous is that mani, till I read the post script LOLzzz Mea culpa that in awe fellow blogger wud be me :P
    That mani OMG looks like an entire galaxy on your nails you should call this ''celestial Nail art' I so wanna try it :D

    1. water decals r easy! yeah m not creative with titles :D

  2. These look gorgeous! No that would be an understatement!! It looks like a beautiful night in a dream!! The decals are simply gorgeous!!!

    Btw, I have started my hunt for Acetone :P

  3. Replies
    1. haha! i was thinking of you when I thought of putting this! :D

  4. At the first sight they don't look like water decals, I thought that is a hand printed design. Wonderful combination, love it!

  5. now one more to a England list... pretty shade .. a englad do have some very beautiful shades.. i like the water decals combi too :)

  6. so b'ful..i don't know what i love MORE the np or the decal...but i definitely adore the combo!!
    i have another reader query- are these your real nails?? (bcoz they are awesome)
    and how awed are people around you by your manis?? :P

    1. :p yes real nails, and people's reactions differ from one extreme to the other. from Awwww to Aaawk!!

  7. The decals are beautiful, lovely mani you have here.

    1. thanks! I wasnt sure how the end result would look coz they have random shapes

  8. am totally drooling over your mani kej . . . am outta words . . . Your pics do justice to your mani. . .

  9. This is soooo seriously...I think it may be one of the best Infact! Pls come here n do my nails!!! Plleeeejjjh!

    1. hehe! thanks Zee! I will do ur nails..but u gotta meet me!

  10. Hahahaha! That was so much fun to read.. my precious! I've been there, so I know what you mean :)

    And the Mani looks amazing!! I love it :D

  11. Beautiful mani :) and loved the precious :P
    How is Nirah.. not seen her updates since long.

    1. Thanks Divya! Nirah was missin on the scene for a few weeks but I believe she is now back :D

  12. You click some amazing pictures!!!
    And I would never have put those decals (or anything else for that matter :P) and Tristam together but they work so brilliantly together. Gorgeous!!

    1. u wont believe i left it alone for 2 days..but then couldnt resist adding something after that!

  13. Tristam is such a pretty shade. A-England is so expensive :-(


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