
Sunday 16 July 2017

Milv Decal with Masura Oliva Branch magnetic polish

Hello! Been busy with editing and posting lots of my unposted manis. Feels good to get back on track a bit with the blog. Hope to maintain a steady and slow pace this year. 
This mani took me by surprise. Its one of those things that came out much better in person than in my head. And I attribute it to these Milv decals.

Base: Masura Oliva Branch (magnetic)
Accent: Milv Decals (Design F 069 gold Link)

I have a bunch of these decals sent to me for review and I couldnt review them earlier due to renovations at my place. hope to get on with some more of these now.
They are an absolute breeze to use. Super Easy. 
Just dip in water, peel of the back, place them and file them form the free edge.
I thought they would wrinkle up or shrink once I apply top coat, but to my surprise they did not at all.
They are also an easy peasy way to spruce up your mani in a jiffy. Did not take ages to put on.
Its quite simple almost like putting a sticker but the end result is much more pretty.
They are reasonable for around $2. I could get one use from one sheet for both hands.

Will soon use a few more and post here.
Hope you like it.

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