
Monday 18 June 2012

Crackle Nail Polish: In or Out?

Everyone's quite over crackle polish..yes I know.
But I sometimes like to wear it for funky-do..or just for the shock effect!
Eeeeyyaaoowza! what that on your nails?..go people who dont know about it. LOL!

I think it depends on how you wear it and when you wear it.
Its definitely not something for office..atleast not mine.

I know a few people who dont like this trend at aallll.
I think its fun once a while especially when you wear it with a bit differently.

A neonish Orange base topped with Sally Hansen "Distressed Denim"
I just randomly swiped the brush in different directions.
Looks halloween-y....doesnt it?

This one has a slight twist.
I've alternated the crackle top coat and done a bit of layering on the base.

Base: Sinful Colours Green + green shimmer layering polish
Crackle top coat: Sally Hansen Fuchsia Shock + Vintage Violet 

 If you have crackle polishes stuffed give a try with a twist.

Don't forget to enter my giveaway!


  1. Well, I for one am not over crackles.. in fact, I'm wearing 1 right now! I only have one, but I love it! I really only like the black though, just not crazy about the colored crackles, or the glitters. Thanks for sharing :)

    1. I agree..I like black more over the others

  2. I am not a big fan of crackle polish so for me this trend is OUT. But I have sea a few designs that are looking quit well, so I think the secret is in the color combination and in the quality of the crackle polish!

  3. I have never been a crackle fan, nor do I own any. I have a similar effect from Barry M, it appears crocodile like on your nail. I do, however, think you've applied these very well where I don't actually dislike them and think they look quite cute xxx

    1. yeah I've seen the barry M croc effects..they look nice.
      Thanks! xxx

  4. I dunno whether it's in or out.. but I'd try it if i like it :)

    Maybe you have time to read my New Post- Similar Difference


  5. I dunno whether it's in or out.. but I'll wear it if i like it :)

    Maybe you have time to read my New Post- Similar Difference


  6. I tried it out & honestly I'm not a huge fan I prefer flakies any day over crackle polishes

    1. I know u didnt like it..and I was actually thinkin about ur crackle when I made this post..thinkin maybe u'd try again :)

  7. kejal the haloweenie one is awesom..
    please check out..

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think crackle polishes are still IN....though I don't own a single crackle polish.
    I love the first look. Orange and black look fierce.

  10. I totally see what you mean by Halloweenish--it's almost like a carved pumpkin over that awesome orange!

  11. Yes, I do agree with you that it depends on how you wear it and when you wear it. What's important is on how you wear it confidently. Crackle nails is art and there's a beauty in it.


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