
Monday 1 August 2011

My Blog's first award: Sunshine!!

Dear NailArt Enthusiasts,
I am pleased to announce that my humble little Blog has been awarded the "Sunshine Award"!!!! This has been presented to me by Theresa. Please see her lovely blog here. Thank you so much I feel truly honored and appreciate the gesture.

So now I must follow the rules that comes with this award:
1) Thank the person who gave you this award.
2) Write a post about it.
3) Answer the questions below.
4) Pass this award on to 10 other bloggers who I feel are worthy (believe me I had a tough time choosing these) and send them a message to let them know.
us readers. They are listed randomly below:
1) Addicted to Blush
2) Addicted to Konad
3) WiseShe
4) Spellbinding Nails
5) Nailasaurus
6) I'm feeling Nail-venturous
7) Manicured Monkey
8) Emerald Sparkle
9) Lacquerized


  1. thank u so much for giving me the award and considering me worthy girl :)

  2. thank you so much for the award, you're so sweet!!

  3. Congrats! and thanks for the award!
    I will do the tag this weekend :)


I would ♥ to read your comments and thoughts on my posts. Please feel free to ask any questions or if you have any suggestions.